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Taksi gəzintisi 4, 1ci hissə: Mirzağa Əliyev, Azərbaycan Prospekti ilə Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadə arasında
Taxi Trip 4, part 1: Mirzagha Aliyev, between Azerbaijan Prospect and Mirze Feteli Axundzade
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 1 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in the early spring. This portion drives uphill west, passing the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theater and entering Sovetski. The area has been almost completely demolished, with only a few homes still standing. People walk along the remains of the road.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 2ci hissə: Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadə, Mirzağa Əliyev ilə Çingiz Mustafayev arasında
Taxi Trip 4, part 2: Mirze Feteli Axundzade, between Mirzagha Aliyev and Chingiz Mustafayev
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 2 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early Spring. This portion turns south, driving through a small collection of homes still standing in an otherwise demolished area. A moving van waits at the end of the street.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 3cu hissə: Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadə, Çingiz Mustafayevlə Bəşir Səfərovğlu arasında
Taxi Trip 4, part 3: Mirze Feteli Axundzade, between Chingiz Mustafayev and Beshir Seferoglu
Mart 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
March 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 3 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. This portion continues south, leaving an already demolished portion of Sovetski and entering a block of still standing homes and small markets. People navigate around cars on the narrow street. At the end of the block Teze Pir Mosque can be seen on the far corner.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 4cu hissə: Bəşir Səfəroğlu, Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadə ilə Zərgərpalan arasında
Taxi Trip 4, part 4: Beshir Seferoglu, between Mirze Feteli Axundzade and Zergerpalan
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
March 2016
Part 4 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. This portion turns east at Teze Pir Mosque, driving down hill past homes and businesses. Cars are parked in the street, narrowing it and contribute to a mix of cars and people navigating through the traffic.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 5ci hissə: Bəşir Səfəroğlu, Murtuza Muxtarovla Zərgərpalan arasında
Taxi Trip 4, part 5: Beshir Seferoglu, between Murtuza Muxtarov and Zergerpalan
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 5 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. Caught in traffic, this portion makes its way slowly down a single block east through Sovetski. Cars parked along the side of the road narrowing it, in the distance a high rise is under construction.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 6ci hissə: Bəşir Səfəroğlu, Zərgərpalanla Azərbaycan Prospekti arasında
Taxi Trip 4, part 6: Beshir Seferoglu, between Zergerpalan and Azerbaijan Prospect
Mart 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
March 2016
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 6 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. This portion sees traffic break up and continues briskly east, past a large high rise construction project blocked by metal walls, before finally exiting the eastern edge of Sovetski.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 7ci hissə: Azərbaycan Prospekti, Bəşir Səfəroğludan, Mirzağa Əliyevə və Murtuza Muxtarova tərəf
Taxi Trip 4, part 7: Azerbaijan Prospect, from Beshir Seferoglu, to Mirzagha Aliyev, to Murtuza Muxtarov
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 7 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. This portion turns north, driving along the road marking the eastern edge of Sovetski. On the left side of the road apartment blocks hide Sovetski and allow in minimal traffic through small arched passages. Turning west, it follows the same route seen in part one of this taxi ride, and reenters Sovetski.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 8ci hissə: Murtuza Muxtarov, Mirzağa Əliyev və Süleyman Rəhimov arasında
Taxi Trip 4, part 8: Murtuza Muxtarov, between Mirzagha Aliyev and Suleyman Rehimov
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 8 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. This portion turns north, driving through a patchwork of demolished and still standing homes. Just past the Azerbaijan State Academic Drama Theater the Yug theater can be seen to the left of the taxi at around 22 seconds. On the opposite corner a small courtyard houses small repair and market stalls. Continuing north, an empty lot filled with recovered building material can be seen on the right at the end of the street.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 9cu hissə: Süleyman Rəhimov, Murtuza Muxtarovla, Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadə arasında
Taxi Trip 4, part 9: Suleyman Rehimov, between Murtuza Muxtarov and Mirze Feteli Axundzade
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 9 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. This portion turns west at an empty lot filled with recovered building material, driving along a road separating the demolished middle portion of Sovetski and the still standing northern portion. To the left a patchwork of demolished and still standing buildings run up the street.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 10cu hissə: Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadə, Süleyman Rəhimov və Mirzağa Əliyev arasında
Taxi Trip 4, part 10: Mirze Feteli Axundzade, between Suleyman Rehimov and Mirzagha Aliyev
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 10 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. This portion turns south, driving through the demolished middle portion of Sovetski. Few buildings still stand in this empty space.
Taksi gəzintisi 4, 11ci hissə: Mirzağa Əliyev, Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadədən, Nabat Aşurbəyovaya tərəf, köhnə hamama qədər
Taxi Trip 4, part 11: Mirzagha Aliyev, from Mirze Feteli Axundzade, to Nabat Ashurbeyova, ending at old hammam
Mart 2016
March 2016
1080p 360 video | səfər
1080p 360 video | tour
Part 11 of a taxi ride through Sovetski at midday in early spring. This final portion continues through the demolished middle portion of Sovetski, passing mounds of earth, demolition equipment, and moving vans, before turning south into a small collection of still standing buildings. The ride ends at the former site of a hammam.
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