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40 pillekan
Avqust 2016
1080p 360 video
40 stairs
August 2016
1080p 360 video
see also:
A large set of stairs running downhill from Neriman Nerimanov towards the southern edge of Sovetski. Recently renovated, the stairs are still partially blocked off in places. Behind the camera's loading position a new cafe has been built. On either side of the stairs walls block off the view of older homes.

Abdulla Qarayev *
Sentyabr 2017
1080p 360 video | panorama
Abdulla Qarayev *
September 2017
1080p 360 video | panorama
see also:
A panoramic view of Yasamal and Sovetski from the top of a hill in the evening. In front of the camera's loading position stretches a large empty lot, beyond which a skyline of Baku can be seen. Behind the camera stands a school and beyond that new high rises encroaching into Yasamal. A cat runs under the camera escaping a man walking his dog as the sun sets.

Abdulla Qarayev 18 *
Avqust 2016
1080p 360 video
Abdulla Qarayev 18 *
August 2016
1080p 360 video
see also:
Abdulla Qarayev at midday, from the middle of the street. Low buildings stand on either side of the camera. Behind the loading position grape vines grow on the roofs and walls of buildings. People walk down the middle of the narrow street.

Abdulla Qarayev 7 *
Sentyabr 2017
1080p 360 video | panorama
Abdulla Qarayev 7 *
September 2017
1080p 360 video | panorama
see also:
A panoramic view of Yasamal from the roof of a home in the evening. To the right of the camera's loading position Yasamal slopes down towards Sovetski. To the left it slopes upwards towards new high rise buildings. The sounds of people at home and crows flying above can be heard as the sun sets.

Abdulla Qarayev 86 *
Avqust 2016
1080p 360 video
Abdulla Qarayev 86 *
August 2016
1080p 360 video
see also:
Abdulla Qarayev at midday, above the entrance to a home. To the left of the camera's loading position stands the apartment complex separating Sovetski and Yasamal. To the right a street runs into a residential area of Yasamal. Grapevines grow on the roof of the surrounding buildings. People walk down the middle of the narrow street.

Abdulla Qarayev və Mirzəağa Əliyev
Avqust 2016
1080p 360 video
Abdulla Qarayev and Mirzeaga Aliyev
August 2016
1080p 360 video
see also:
The intersection of Abdulla Qarayev and Mirzəağa Əliyev at midday. To the left of the camera's loading position stands the apartment complex separating Sovetski and Yasamal. To the right a street runs into a residential area of Yasamal.

Abdulla Şaiq (Tar: construction)
Sentyabr 2016
1080p 360 video | musiqi
Abdulla Shaiq (Tar: construction)
September 2016
1080p 360 video | music
see also:
Abdulla Şaiq in the afternoon. A man plays the tar across from a demolition site. People watch as equipment tears down a home. Furniture is stacked in the street.

Abdulla Şaiq 69
Mart 2016
1080p 360 video
Abdulla Shaiq 69
March 2016
1080p 360 video
see also:
Abdulla Şaiq at midday, across from the intersection with Vidadi. To the left of the camera's loading position a car is parked in an empty lot. Behind the camera 'don't throw trash here' has been written on the wall.

Abdulla Şaiq və Beşir Seferoğlu
İyul 2016
1080p 360 video
Abdulla Shaiq and Beshir Seferoglu
July 2016
1080p 360 video
see also:
The intersection of Abdulla Şaiq and Beşir Seferoğlu in the evening. Behind the camera a group of kids sit next to men playing a board game. To the right of the camera's loading position an old school being used as refugee housing can be seen. To the left papers on the wall advertise land and homes for sale and rent. The sun sets.

Abdulla Şaiq: Haji Cavad Mescid (PARK)
Sentybr 2021
4k 360 video
Abdulla Shaiq: Haji Javad Mosque (PARK)
September 2021
4k 360 video
see also:
Cars drive down a large road at sunset. To the right Certral Park is now open where Haji Cavad Mosque once stood. To the left construction continues. People walk home as the call to prayer can be heard over the sounds of traffic. The moon hangs on the horizon and the streetlights switch on.

Abdulla Şaiq: Vidadi girish
Yay 2018
sənədli film | tək kadr
Abdulla Shaiq: Entrance to Vidadi
Summer 2018
documentary video | single shot
see also:
A family walks from Vidadi and crosses Abdulla Şaiq in the early evening. The street has been largely demolished with only one home still standing on one side. A new road runs close to its walls.

Abdulla Şaiq: mağazin *
İyun 2016
1080p 360 video
Abdulla Shaiq: store *
June 2016
1080p 360 video
see also:
The entrance of a small market on Abdulla Şaiq at midday. Drinks cool in a freezer next to a door covered in advertisements. People socialize in the street while a cat lazily plays in front of the door.

Abdulla Şaiq (Tar: Ev) *
Sentyabr 2016
1080p 360 video | musiqi
Abdulla Shaiq (Tar: house) *
September 2016
1080p 360 video | music
see also:
The view from a window in a demolished home on Abdulla Şaiq at midday. Inside a man plays the tar in the remains of the house. Through the window more demolished homes can be seen.

Abdulla Şaiq Dalan (Tar: Sari Gelin)
Sentyabr 2016
1080p 360 video | musiqi
Abdulla Shaiq side street (Tar: Sari Gelin)
September 2016
1080p 360 video | music
see also:
A side street off of Abdulla Şaiq in the afternoon. A man plays the tar while people look on and sing along. A chicken coop stands next to the side street leading back towards Abdulla Şaiq. Laundry dries on a line hanging over the street.

Abdulla Şaiq Dalan (video 1)
Sentyabr 2016
1080p 360 video | panorama
Abdulla Shaiq side street (video 1)
September 2016
1080p 360 video | panorama
see also:
A panoramic view from a balcony on Abdulla Şaiq sidestreet in the evening. Sovetski spreads out to the slight right of the camera's loading position. A samovar boils water for tea, beyond which people sit and socialize on a covered balcony. To the left the apartment complexes between Sovetski and Yasamal can be seen.

Abdulla Şaiq Dalan (video 2)
Sentyabr 2016
1080p 360 video | panorama
Abdulla Shaiq side street (video 2)
September 2016
1080p 360 video | panorama
see also:
A panoramic view from the roof of a balcony on Abdulla Şaiq sidestreet in the evening. Sovetski spreads out in front of the camera's loading position. Behind it the apartment complexes between Sovetski and Yasamal can be seen. On the balcony below people brew tea and socialize.

Abdulla Şaiq evi (video 3)
İyun 2017
1080p 360 video
Abdulla Shaiq house (video 3)
June 2017
1080p 360 video
see also:
The view from a cabinet shelf in the interior of a home on Abdulla Şaiq at midday. the shelf is filled with glassware, family photos, and decorations. Beyond the shelf the living room can be seen.
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